
Welcome to HuangFuSL's blog

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Rust GUI library


The following pages are notes from Building a simple text editor with iced, a cross-platform GUI library for Rust using iced lib.

1. Hello, World!


Keywords: iced::Sandbox, iced::Settings, iced::widget::text

10. Misc



2. Multi-line input


Keywords: iced::widget::text_editor, iced::widget::container.

3. Theme and cursor indicator


Keywords: iced::widget::column, iced::widget::row, iced::widget::horizontal_space, iced::Theme, iced::Length

4. Async file loading


Keywords: iced::Application, iced::Command, iced::executor, std::io, std::path::Path, std::sync::Arc, tokio::fs::read_to_string

5. File picker


Keywords: iced::widget::button, rfd::AsyncFileDialog

6. File path indicator



7. New and Save



8. Button Prettify



Recent updates

Currently working on


Click on the buttons to change the primary color.

Click on the buttons to change the accent color.

However, if you try to switch from dark mode to light mode or reversed, changes to the primary color and accent color will lose.

Building documentation

Run git clone https://github.com/HuangFuSL/HuangFuSL.github.io.git to get the source code.

Bootstrap icon installation

The site uses bootstrap icons, which are added as submodules in third_party/icons. You have to manually initialize the submodule.

git submodule update --recursive --remote

LaTeX support

The site uses xelatex and dvisvgm to render tex document to SVG images embedded in the markdown files. However, as the SVG images are ignored by .gitignore, you have to manually perform the conversion.

For GitHub repository clones:

  • Run git submodule update --recursive --remote to receive the template.
  • Make sure you have installed and correctly configured xelatex and dvisvgm.
  • Add ./template directory to $TEXINPUTS environmental variable.
  • Execute ci/convert.py in the root directory of the repository.
  • Run mkdocs serve to view the images.

The template is located at HuangFuSL/latex-template

GitHub workflow

You need to install the dependencies stored in requirements.txt before you can start building the site:

pip install -r requirements.txt

There are cross-links in the site which require metadata defined in the page, so the project should be built before mkdocs serve is executed. The exported metadata is saved in meta.json after a build is successfully executed. To build the site, execute the following command:

mkdocs build -d build

Execute mkdocs serve, the built site will appear at


The blog relies on the following open-source projects:

The blog uses the following mkdocs plugins to function correctly.

Unless noted, content in this blog are shared under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Version information

commit 9d67de48b564bf2b8b2453baaf0a25ac4a2677b4
Merge: b87bcbc9 62bba4cd
Author: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Date:   Sat Feb 10 00:07:52 2024 +0800

    Merge pull request #321 from HuangFuSL/Rust-gui-starter

    Rust gui starter project
